Saturday, 11 July 2015

Penzance September 2014, Promise, Warning and Preparation

Penzance 24/9/14 



I ‘saw’ a huge angel, golden and burnished, glowing beautiful light. His head was in the heavens and he was covering the whole of Penzance. The angel of the Lord.  He was holding two bowls in his hands, which I ‘heard’ the Lord refer to as ‘cups of mercy.’

As I looked, I could see flicking flames in the cups, one in each hand. Suddenly, he threw the right hand bowl of fire directly into Mounts Bay saying, ‘The Bay has been defiled. Repent O heathen, O wicked ones’. I immediately sensed this was to do with high level freemasonry on St Michael’s Mount linked with witchcraft sacrifices.

The whole of the sea in Mounts Bay was now covered in flicking licks of flames. The sea was on fire.  I ‘heard’ ‘I will purify from the days of old, if you humble yourselves, repent and pray’ (2 Chronicles 7 v14).

The other cup of fire he held aloft in his left hand, towards heaven with a straight arm. Then suddenly he slammed it down covering the whole of Penzance and plunging it into darkness. As I kept watching, he lifted the bowl and I realised the fire of God had been released across the whole town.  I saw it glowing and licking everywhere. But I also saw people in the streets, on their knees where they were, repenting, keening and crying out to God. Others were dancing, jumping, rejoicing in being saved.

Whilst this was going on, my attention was drawn out at sea.  I saw the huge wave of a tsunami (it looked like a literal one, not figurative) pounding in towards the town. I saw it hit. It bowled right into town.

Afterwards, I saw lots of little boats rescuing people. They were hauling virtually drowned people into the boats, literally.

Then I see these people and others, being comforted with blankets and soup in a large old hall, I think near the sea front.  Christians are going amongst the people comforting them, hugging them, holding them, listening, praying and feeding them. Many are being led in prayers of salvation.

Then I heard the Lord’s voice saying ‘These are My beloved children in whom I’m well pleased.’ I sensed He was referring to the Christians who were serving.

I was aware the angel was present assisting throughout.  Finally, I heard, ‘no longer the agendas of men. This is My agenda’.

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