Monday, 1 September 2014

Cornwall: Vision of Gold

Vision of Gold



During the Autumn of 2009, during worship at church, I was caught up into a vision which unfolded rather like a video.
I was watching the land of Cornwall and a golden seam opened up along the Saints Way, from the North to the South. I watched it, interested. As I watched, it was as though the layer on the top of the land, peeled back, to reveal that there was viscous gold under the whole of Cornwall. I was intrigued and continued to watch. 
The golden layer was totally smooth and really beautiful but I knew it wasn’t solid. I then watched as ‘we’ (presumably Christians), started to scoop handfuls up and throw it outwards. It spread. Then word of the gold spread and people started to come. I saw them flying in and travelling from all over the world for this gold.
The vision continued and the spread of gold continued, then suddenly there was an immense eruption in what seemed like the middle of Cornwall and a fountain of gold burst forth. It was more like a geyser in its size and pressure and so forceful that it spread out across the whole world.

I believe it relates to the Glory of the Lord visiting Cornwall again, as in the days of the ancient celtic Christians.

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