Monday, 1 September 2014

Cornwall: Vision of Gold

Vision of Gold



During the Autumn of 2009, during worship at church, I was caught up into a vision which unfolded rather like a video.
I was watching the land of Cornwall and a golden seam opened up along the Saints Way, from the North to the South. I watched it, interested. As I watched, it was as though the layer on the top of the land, peeled back, to reveal that there was viscous gold under the whole of Cornwall. I was intrigued and continued to watch. 
The golden layer was totally smooth and really beautiful but I knew it wasn’t solid. I then watched as ‘we’ (presumably Christians), started to scoop handfuls up and throw it outwards. It spread. Then word of the gold spread and people started to come. I saw them flying in and travelling from all over the world for this gold.
The vision continued and the spread of gold continued, then suddenly there was an immense eruption in what seemed like the middle of Cornwall and a fountain of gold burst forth. It was more like a geyser in its size and pressure and so forceful that it spread out across the whole world.

I believe it relates to the Glory of the Lord visiting Cornwall again, as in the days of the ancient celtic Christians.

Wales, Cornwall, coming move of God


 Prophetic Vision
Worship Conference

I was transported into a cinema and watched a God video.  It started with the present day church and it was as if he was rewinding the film.  I saw all church history represented, being rewound. Eventually the film stopped and it was back in the days of the celtic saints.

I watched and suddenly saw an outline map of the whole of the UK.  Flames were flickering around the coasts of all the celtic nations: Scotland, Isle of Man, Wales, Cornwall, Ireland.

Then the vision focussed in on two towns in Wales, one directly north of the other.  (They turn out to be Brecon and Builth Wells)

The vision changed and I saw a market square with a cross in it.  I was there with 3 others and we were handing out cups of water to the crowd who were pressing in to us.  We were passing out the cups over the heads of people.
(when I went to Brecon to intercede it was the same square as in my vision, though it was a statue not actually a cross, which was symbolic)

Then the vision switched and I saw many, many women in rags and desperate coming up from the welsh valleys to get some water. In the vision I spoke to them saying ‘hang on, we’re coming, we’re coming, don’t give up’.

The women came and then I saw the men following. They were the miners with their hats with lights on, grubby and discouraged and bowed low.  (figurative representation of the welsh valley men).

Some time later I saw Cornwall and it seemed to be covered with bubbling mud.  It was the places where Christians had been martyred.

Oct 04 Healing Conference, Cal Pierce, Exeter (10 years later)

Saw golden angels rising up out of the Cornish land (from the bubbling mud vision where the blood of the martyrs had fallen). They grew tall. They then lined up along the Cornish coast facing out to sea, looking for what’s coming – from Wales and Ireland (Isle of Man), 2 streams.  Then white chargers were coming across in the spirit, angelic warriors into Cornwall. Moving swiftly and mightily, sweeping through, on into France.

The Lion of Judah walks the lands of the world


received during worship   21st July 2008

I saw Jesus come as a huge lion and he started walking very deliberately across the nations of the world. I saw him walking steadily and in no hurry, paw by paw. 

Then I could see men in suits defiantly standing in his way.  They looked about 2” high compared to his size.  They were shouting at him, arrogantly. (It seemed they were financiers or city people – this was before the first banking crisis).  He just kept on walking and some of these men went under his paws, others fled in terror.

I began to see skyscrapers and Manhatten and the Statue of Liberty.  Then the whole ground shook and many buildings shook/crumbled. This was followed by a huge wave engulfing Manhatten. (simultaneously I thought of the revival of the Jews prophesied for eastern coast USA).  [ I don’t know whether this was a literal earthquake or figurative]

The lion moved on.  He went to Russia.  I saw him gather a large mud ball from the earth in his paw.  I watched a while as he just held it, then he seemed to throw it directly south and it became a highway.  (I looked on the map later and Israel is directly south of Moscow). I saw many coming to walk on it leaving Russia – they were Jews and some Christians.  He seemed to suddenly hurry them and I saw the road disappear instantly and then there was great lamenting, Rachel weeping for her children.  ( I sensed many didn’t get out and that death followed).

The lion moved on to Siberia.  He stayed awhile encouraging and warming the Christians there.

On to China.  I saw huge lion paw prints right across the earth of China.  Then multitudes of people rushing to him and hiding themselves in his belly and fur.  Then there was a great thrusting out of these Christians, especially directly west and east.  I saw 3 different moves to the west, parallel to each other and the same to the east and there seemed to be 2 great times of thrusting out.  They went out running and fast.

Then I saw Tibet and possibly Northern China and I saw many temples.  I watched and the ground just opened up and swallowed all these temples.

The lion leapt then to Australia and NZ, landing very briefly but breathing fire which erupted.
He then leapt over to India and I watched India submerge under water.  It seemed to just sink.  Many hands of the dying rose up imploring from the water. I was querying God about the Christians and I saw the lion’s paw gather and lift them high above the flood to safety.

Next I saw the lion in the Middle East.  He kissed Israel as he passed by and paced around her borders roaring at the encroaching nations.

Then he went to the Arab nations and his claws were drawn out.  He ripped into these nations and I saw striations of blood on the land.  But I knew it was his blood’s mercy dealing with the Arabic world. (This was given before the Arab Spring).

I saw a mighty statue (strong man) which I presumed to be islam. It reached high to the sky.  The lion passed by and tore it apart effortlessly.
Then I saw the UK and it was gushing fountains of fresh water and streams were pouring out from it across Europe and then I saw the USA and there were many, many waters, fountains and exuberant sources of life giving water.

(This is the prophetic destiny for the UK in God’s heart and what we are contending for, as the enemy tries to establish his destiny instead. It’s a clarion call for Christians to come into agreement with God and not look at the giants).
Bushfire close up at night  Stock Photo - 7101423
Africa.  The lion put his paw down on the whole continent and drew a big heart around the continent.  He licked it and breathed life over it.  His eyes were towards it.  He was watching intently small lights/fires all over the continent and every time a new fire was lit he breathed extra life on it and it exploded into an inferno until all the fires joined together and the continent was ablaze.

I saw the rest of Europe in darkness but the water from the UK  & USA came from the west, streams from Scandanavia from the north, fire from Africa from the south and the runners from China from the east. When they all converged Europe exploded like a volcano. There was a great shaking in eastern, middle and southern Europe.  I saw Mary, queen of heaven cracking and falling. She smashed.  Then the capped wells burst open and fresh water was released.

The lion was once again in Israel and lifted high above Jerusalem and I saw his bride being drawn to him.

The Lord then seemed to say into my spirit – when you see this happen in New York, you will know these events are beginning.  The time is now, the time is soon.  Watch and be ready.  Be ready for the influx of my people from the west and from the north.  Arms open. Be ready.
Ps: soon after receiving this revelation the credit crash started, with the failing of banks including Lehman Brothers (Sept 2008) and Northern Rock. We have since seen the Arab spring (2011) bloodbaths in Egypt, Syria and other middle eastern countries which still continues (September 2014).

I wasn't sure that I was seeing a chronological sequence of events. My hunch is probably not necessarily will occur in the order I saw them.